As a previous nursing home administrator, I have been asked at different times if senior living communities are permitted to discriminate towards LGBTQ+ seniors. I realize the general population does not thoroughly think about what LGBTQ+ seniors have faced in his/her lifetime, let alone deciding which senior living community to move into that would be inclusive. These days there has been a lot of discussion regarding various topics related to the LGBTQ+ population through social media, news media, politics, and law-changing pushing for/or against LGBTQ+ rights.

Years ago, the LGBTQ+ (back then only the LG part was recognized) population would typically not disclose their personal life to the public especially moving into a nursing home. Back then they did not have the variety of options of senior living communities like we do today. Today you will find 55+ communities, independent living, assisted living, nursing home and memory care. Back then there was only one institution for the senior population as they aged and needed more help, which was your standard nursing home.

A gay or lesbian couple could not be open and public about their relationship with their partner without discrimination, refusal of services, termination from job, violence and/or hate. Nursing homes back then could discriminate if a gay or lesbian individual or couple wanted/needed to move in. Thankfully we have come a long way from that era.

Nowadays, senior communities that receive federal reimbursement from Medicare and/or Medicaid cannot discriminate towards LGBTQ+. If a community does discriminate, the individual or couple can file a complaint with the state’s department of aging complaint department. Also, legal resources would be available to assist the individual or couple with pursuing a lawsuit, if warranted.

Private pay only senior communities are a different story. If a senior community only receives funds privately from the residents, the community can create their own admission policies that could restrict the LGBTQ+ population. However, in all my years of working in senior care, I have never witnessed a private pay only senior community discriminate towards the LGBTQ+ population. The chances of a community not admitting anyone from the LGBTQ+ population is almost slim to none.

Whenever you decide to tour senior communities, be sure to ask what their policy is towards the LGBTQ+ population, ask for the state level’s complaint hotline, and be cognizant of your rights as a potential resident.